Canada, LA, San Francisco & Hawaii |
With only 7 days to go..I'm starting to get pretty excited about my trip, especially since my big toenail has fallen off and will no longer be causing me painful infections. There is still lots to do but the majority of the trip is sorted. Looking forward to the 30+ degree weather forecast for LA and the Grand Canyon. This is the time that if there was one wish I could make it would be to not have such a heavy sweating genes lol, as Abby has already informed me I'm going to die in the heat. The amount of mail I have received in the last week is like Santa has come early. From orientation packages and itineraries to academic transcripts its all go! I must not forget my special package from my girl Em in Dunedin my very own travel journal!
Orientation pack arrived in the mail |
I'm pretty excited for orientation week however "pancake breakfast" and "beer" rings gluten bells..But I've googled gluten free beer and CANADA has it wahoooo!I also am going to be playing in the campus cup dodgeball tournament that is against all students, alumni and lecturers. So I'm sure if I don't get the grade I want on an assignment this can be a form of giving "payback" to the marker :) I spoke to my godfather from Calgary yesterday and boy was he as excited as I am. He is already planning lots of activities for us to do including going fly fishing which I can't wait for!
In preparation of going away I have needed to get some new bras..one of my favorite new ones is my "travel bra" featuring the world map on it so in case I get lost I can just look down my top and find where I am :) I have bought some vegemite warm winter pjamas to take over with me as an NZ icon but according to some friends it isn't so much a NZ icon and is more Australian.
Check out my itinerary on the first blog I posted, I have updated it with my travel plans.